Tuesday, September 21, 2010

J Nyi Nyi

It was hard to decide to pick between J Mg Mg and J Nyi Nyi --- chronological order or preference. It was just a lottery and J Nyi Nyi won. Who do I like better? I just cannot decide that one either.

What do I like about J Nyi Nyi? It is his passionate singing although Khine Htoo is the one who can express passion the most ( my opinion). He has some of his own style and originality in terms of singing and style. The day when we met on the lower Bar St, he was wearing weathered light blue jeans and a light white cotton down shirt with about 4 button down. I saw a little dragon wooden sculpture tied with a worn out string around his neck. It was a very brief moment but why do I have such a vivid memory like I remember the fragrance of a rose petal? I thought the pendent was charming and even thinking to get one for myself and actually bought one --- just that, never happened to wear it until now.

J Nyi Nyi is the memories of Mandalay summer nights. In a light heat of the night, groups of Mandalar guitar groups love to cover J Nyi Nyi's song all night long until I would getting tired of it. But, that is how I started playing J Nyi Nyi's songs on my hollow guitar without actually listening to his records.
His songs are mostly country style with the catchy phrases. Somehow, I thought he has either good luck with "Rain" songs ( songs related to the rain) or he just have a really good deep connected feeling with the rain.

The first song that captured my attention was not one of his well known songs like "A Chit Moe" or "De Moe", it was "Let it be my luck"--- for some reason, I loved that song.
The second song that came to me was "I'll just be single" (Lupyogyi-pe-lout-taw-me). I love his playful singing and it's teasing lyrics. It could always make one smile.

He is a nice person who loves music a lot --- is my impression. He loves to sing more than being famous but at a point he seems really wanted to be famous. I saw it in his eyes when his new poster for "Swere" record came out. I still love to listen his songs time to time but still wondering why he is too thin forever. Do I know why or I really do not know why? I love the fact that he plays guitar when he sing most of the time.

Listen J Nyi Nyi here:
"Let it be my luck" www.youtube.com/watch?v=70PUCujxFOY
"I'll just be Single" www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_uu5K70pZI

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